Magical Unicorn Parties:
Price: $30 per child, animation and your loot bag included.
Treasure Hunt for Unicorn Eggs and watch them grow
Choose Magical Unicorn Glitter Charm and make your own necklace;
Make Your Own Stuffed Unicorn. Stuff it with fluff, wish upon a magical wishing heart, complete a customized birth certificate, name your unicorn, sign promise of love.
Make Your Own Glitter Unicorn Slime Poop (without Borox) (add $9 per child)
Design and decorate Glitter Unicorn T Shirt
Play Unicorn Games (time permitting)
Color Take Home Unicorn bag.
Invite our Magical Unicorn to your party for a hide n seek game, ring a round the rosy game and tea party. Add $200.